Tuesday 7 February 2012

A Fleeting Glimpse of the Historic Brigit

Behind all the legend and tradition it is just possible to catch a fleeting glimpse of the historic Brigit. The reality was a determined, resolute, beautiful woman with her heart and soul given and dedicated to God; a woman who knew what she wanted and got it, a traveller, an organiser; a woman with a quick wit who could turn her hand equally to preaching the gospel or to some domestic skill. She was a woman of the people, who understood the problems that concerned the ordinary man and his farm; she knew how to manage cattle and get the best results from them. She had considerable medical skill, too, and was a useful person to be passing if there was sickness in your house.

D.D.C. Pochin-Mould, Ireland of the Saints (London, 1953), 65.

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