Sunday 17 March 2024

Saint Patrick: His Prayers

Marking the feast of Saint Patrick with a 1909 Australian newspaper account recalling the Moses tradition of Saint Patrick, who, like the leader of the Israelites ascends a holy mountain, fasts for forty days, asks for God's mercy on his people and that he may be their judge at the end of time. It's a wonderful testimony to the power of prayer and to perseverance as well as to the reputation of Croagh Patrick as Ireland's holy mountain. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig Oraibh Go Léir!

Saint Patrick


St Patrick's Day falls in the middle of Lent, but it is always a feast-day. Legend tells that the patron saint of Ireland himself fasted once for 40 days. Cruach Patrick is one of the most beautiful mountains in Ireland, and the view from the summit embraces sea and land, lakes and rivers. It was on this venerable and venerated eminence that St Patrick, according to his biographer, won the highest gift for Ireland. He went to the summit to appeal to Heaven by prayer.  "It was the begining of Lent when he climbed the mountain," says the ancient chronicler “and he remained there forty days, fasting, praying, saying Mass and weeping. He suffered greatly during that time. He made four kinds of petitions on the mountain. He asked that Ireland should be tree for ever from slavery to barbarians. And he prayed that the people who would say his prayer from the words 'Christ be with me' to the end, and who would do penance in Ireland, should be saved. He asked that he himself should be the judge of the Irish people on the day of general judgment, and particularly he prayed that Ireland should never lose the faith. After the first request the Angel of the Lord came and said, ' You get your request. Go down now from the mountain.' ' I will not go,' said Patrick, ' I am not satisfied yet.' After the second petition the Angel came again and said: 'Your petition is granted; go down from the mountain. You have got enough'  'I will not go,' said Patrick, 'I suffered much on the mountain. My cowl is wet with the rain, and and many and exceeding great have been the temptations I suffered here. I will not go down till all my petitions are granted'. The Angel then departed from him and went up to Heaven. Then the demons came and made a desperate attack on Patrick. Great was the conflict and the battle but Patrick fought valiantly, and with prayer, and with the sign of the Cross, finally putting them to flight. And it is said that at the same time he banished the serpents and large reptiles out of Ireland and drove them into the ocean. In the evening the Angel came again. ' What news do you bring now?' said Patrick.  'All your requests are granted ' replied the Angel.. ' I will go down, then,' said Patrick, 'I am satisfied. Thanks to the generous King, who gave heed to my petitions.' "

 It is no wonder that the Irishmen love and respect Cruach Patrick, and that there is a pilgrimage there even to this day. Cruach Patrick is the Mount Horeb of Ireland; it is the holy mountain of the country.

 The Border Chronicle, Friday, March 19, 1909, page 3.

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