Sunday 31 March 2013

Vignettes from the Lives of the Irish Saints: Saint Brigid's Easter


1.     As Easter Day was approaching, Saint Brigit wanted to give a banquet for all the churches which were near her in the surrounding towns of Mide.
2.     However, she had not the wherewithal for a banquet except for a single vat of beer, for there was a shortage of provisions in those parts at the time.
3.     Now she put the beer from the vat into two basins, for she had no other vessels.
4.     And the beer was divided up and taken by Brigit to the eighteen surrounding churches and there was enough for them all for Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday and the week up to the end of Easter.
5.     The same Easter a leper came to saint Brigit and as he was covered with leprosy he asked Brigit for a cow.
6.     Not having a cow she said to him, ‘Would you like us to pray to God for you to be cured of your leprosy?’ He replied,  ‘That to me would be the best gift of all’.
7.     Then the holy virgin blessed water and sprinkled it on the leper’s body and he was cured.
8.     He gave thanks to God and stayed with Brigit till his death….

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Anonymous said...

Hello, I am working on a article on Brigid, and I would like to know the source of the imagen on this post. Thank you!

Marcella said...

Hello, that's from my own collection. It's a print of an illustrated poem 'St Brigid Passes' by Winnifred Letts published by the Cuala Press.