Sunday 3 February 2013

Christus in Nostra Insula

We continue the series of hymns in honour of Saint Brigid with the famous Christus in Nostra Insula.



There is an alphabetical hymn in honour of St. Brigit, but only a part of this composition remains, unless, indeed as has been conjectured, the hymn consisted of only three verses. This hymn, or what remains of it, is both quoted and referred to in very ancient manuscripts at present extant in Continental libraries.

Christ in our isle was shown to men,
By Brigit's saintly life;
Excelling all who came before,
She conquered in the strife.

Like her no other saint was found,
But Jesu's mother blest;
Her virtues and her wondrous fame
Can never be expressed.

With holy fervour girdled round,
The victor's palm she gains
And like the glorious sun above.
In heaven refulgent reigns.

Then listen to this virgin's praise:
To Christ she gave her vow,
Faithful she kept it; her reward
Is reigning with Him now.

O queen, enthroned in heaven above
Look on thy children dear;
And help them to eternal life,
In God's most holy fear.

Christ Jesus, author of all good,
Have mercy upon me;
That with Thy angels up in heaven,
I may Thy mercy see.

Sister Mary Francis Clare, Cloister Songs and Hymns for Children (London and Dublin, 1881), 39-40.

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