Saturday 13 June 2015

Saint Colum Cille Rescues a Pagan from a Demon

According to a legend, in the time of St. Columba, a pagan temple had been erected by some Magus,who set up in it glass images, representing the Sun and Moon and Stars. Shortly afterwards, a great swoon came on that Magus, and a demon bore him off through the air. But while both passed over the head of Columkille, this saint made a sign of the cross in the air. Instantly the magician fell to the earth at his feet. In remembrance of this rescue from the demon's power, and in gratitude to Columba, the Gentile priest is said to have dedicated his temple to the saint. Afterwards, this Magus became a monk, and thenceforth he lived a very holy and pious life.

Rev. J. O'Hanlon, Lives of the Irish Saints, Volume VI, 516.

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