Friday 12 June 2015

Saint Colum Cille Heals his Attendant, Diarmit

Another time, the saint's faithful attendant Diarmit sickened even to death, and the saint went to visit him in that extremity. Standing by the bedside, Columba invoked Christ's holy name. He prayed, also, and after this manner: "I beseech thee, O Lord, be favourable to me, and let not the soul of my pious servant be taken out of this mortal life, before the course of my days." After praying thus, Columba held his peace for a little. Then opening his blessed lips, he said : "This my loving child shall not only escape danger, at this crisis of his infirmity; but, he shall moreover live for many years, after my death". Diarmit was delivered incontinently from his  disease; and, in good health, he survived the saint many a long year.

Rev. J. O'Hanlon, Lives of the Irish Saints, Volume VI, 422-423.

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