Saturday 26 September 2015

Saint Colman's Vision of Saint Patrick

September 26 is the feast of the County Offaly saint, Colman of Lann-elo. At my other site I have recounted some of the miracles attributed to this holy man and below is another one relating to Saint Patrick:

Saint Colman's Vision of Saint Patrick
While in choir one day, the monks were engaged in singing the Hymn of St. Patrick, when their superior saw the great Apostle of Ireland standing in their midst. Colman ordered that hymn to be sung a second and a third time, but one of the elders objected to such a repetition, and proposed that another hymn should be substituted for it. " My brother," responded Colman, I ordered that Hymn to be repeated, because while singing it St. Patrick stood among you." No sooner had he spoken these words than the vision disappeared.

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