Wednesday 4 February 2015

To Saint Brigid

Saint Brigid has been the subject of many poems over the centuries. I think it would be fair to say that this offering, published in 1926, would hardly be numbered among the greats, but it does at least see its subject as a Christian saint and opponent of paganism, a sentiment which is absent from so many contemporary offerings. I am also glad to see the writer give Saint Brigid her place as a patron of Ireland.

To St. Brigid

Dear Patron of our ancient race,
With Patrick and with Columcille,
The hand of Time can ne'er efface
The memory of thy zeal and grace -
It lingers with us still.

You saw the pagan darkness die
Within our country's shore,
And Faith's bright star illumined her sky,
For Erinn's golden age was nigh,
And Baal's reign was over.

Maurice R. Cussen

The Irish Monthly,Vol. 54, No. 639 (Sep., 1926), p. 483.

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