Friday 9 November 2012

Confessio: A Resource for the Study of Saint Patrick's Writings

The Royal Irish Academy have made a wonderful online resource available for the study of Saint Patrick's writings. The site is called Confessio and brings together the original Latin of the Confessio and Epistola texts along with translations in English, Irish, German, Italian and Portuguese. In addition there is a special features page which introduces the writings and provides an exhaustive bibliography. The texts from Saint Patrick's original hagiographers, Muirchú and Tírechán, are supplied there along with two articles on these writers. A novel, 'Seeking Patrick' by Derick Mockler is available in both print and mp3 audio form and there is also an audio reading of the Confessio as a dialogue. There is a separate Manuscripts/Prints page which provides illustrations and downloads of the various editions of Saint Patrick's writings throughout the ages. All in all this is a superb resource and highly recommended.

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