Wednesday 1 February 2012

Lauds for the Feast of Saint Brigid

Below is the text and translation of another hymn taken from the recording of a 15th-century Sarum Rite Office for the Feast of Saint Brigid by the Scottish ensemble, Canty.

Hymn: Christo canamus gloriam

Christo canamus gloriam,
qui per beatam Brigidam
decoravit Hyberniam,
vitam dans eius lucidam.

Hec speculum mundicie
quae mundo late claruit;
hec rosa temperancie
cuius virtus non languit.

Manco manum restituit;
leprosos mundans maculis;
gressum claudis exhibuit;
sanans privatos oculis.

Cenam fecit mirabilem
multis de uno modio;
totum prebens durabilem
toto paschali gaudio.

Per secla sine terminis
soli Deo sit gloria;
qui prece tante virginis
nos ducat ad celestia.


Christ's glory let us sing
Who through the blessed Brigid
Adorned Ireland,
Granting it her light-giving life.

She is the mirror of purity
That lit up the wide world,
She is the rose of temperance
Whose strength never failed.

She restored the hand that was withered
Cleansed lepers from their ills,
She showed the lame how to walk,
Healed those who had lost their sight.

She made a marvellous banquet
For many from a single peck of corn,
Granting all the peck to last
For the whole joy of Eastertide.

Throughout the endless ages
To God alone be glory.
That through the prayers of such a virgin
He may lead us up to heaven.

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